Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Final Questions

     This semester I learned how to even more a camera and Photoshop, I knew a little bit about both before this class but I really couldn't do much more then point and shoot a few pictures and maybe very roughly put a few together in Photoshop.

      My best work in this class would have to be one of my infrareds, they are my favorite things to do and are really easy and in my personal opinion, are really good shots almost every time.

     Infrared is also my favorite process, it is just really easy for me too take a lot of them and whip them all up in a few minutes and have something really nice looking but also gives me room for messing around with the different channels, shades and hues.

    When it comes to myself I learn how I can be really really picky about my pictures and that is likely due to my perfectionism and OCD but that's beside the point. The point is that I learned how it is hard to work with a bunch of people with different ideas but also really fun, I do love taking pictures but more of landscapes then people although I do like to pose for other people's shots.

     My challenges this semester were those of perfectionism, lack of time, and just working with others. I really love to take pictures but the problem is that I get way too picky about them and then end up getting nothing done and usually delete most of my shots. The shots I take have to be exactly what I wanted or I wont take them, this got in the way of me doing a lot of work and probably made me fail this class. I also didn't always have the time to go out and take shots, this was mostly due to other schooling, plans I had already made, or plans my parents blindsided me with. Finally just came working with others, I'm far too talkative for my own good, I get in trouble for it a lot, I usually do end up distracting other people and causing them problems by doing so. I am also just hard to work with because I'm so picky and when I don't get a shot just right I get frustrated and might blame other people when it was usually my fault to begin with.

   I just want to thank you, Scott Hohman, for putting up with me this semester, I'm sure you likely wanted to yell at me for not doing my work and I'm sorry for that but thank you anyways for being a great teacher and I hope to see you around next year. 
                                                                                    Sincerely, Lars Bates  

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